About Us
We started The Superfood Grocer because we realized that there is
important knowledge -- knowledge that can save our loved ones
-- that needs to be shared.
We are here to wake you up, arm you with knowledge, and empower you to choose to become your strongest, healthiest, most vibrant selves -- for yourself and your loved ones.
Whether you’re young or old, in the best of health or the worst of it, physically active or a couch potato – We’re here to tell you that it can be done. And it should be done. There’s no better way to live than to have a strong, vibrant, healthy body in fighting form --- regardless of age, weight, or any other starting point.
Power up! Choose to live a Super life. Let us show you how.
With our full plant-powered support,

- The Superfood Grocer believes in sourcing the highest quality of natural superfoods from all over the world and making these accessible and affordable to fellow Filipinos.
- We believe in achieving the highest form of health, bursting with life and energy, free from sickness, lethargy, and imbalance.
- We believe in spreading awareness to all of the benefits of healthy living, of revolutionary plant-based whole foods that nourish and sustain life to its fullest, preventing, and even reversing (as already documented by science), the worst of cancers, diabetes, and heart disease, among others.
- We believe in environmental and ecological unity. We respect the dignity of fellow earthlings, humans and non-humans alike, and condemn existing practices that bring about unjust suffering.
- We believe in sustainable business and positively impacting lives. We support farmers of the Philippines as among our partners, and passionately promote their life-giving produce locally and all over the world.
- We believe in business that serves and does good.
- Lastly, we believe in you. We believe that you, and only you, can decide to change your life. You have the power to choose to live a Super life. Power up! It's time to go Super.